Intervention and Prevention
We Believe
At Dolores Huerta Middle School, we believe that:
All students have the right to be physically, mentally, and emotionally safe at school and free from bullying, harassment, and hazing;
Students have the right to be treated equitably. Response to behavior will not create disparities, reinforce or increase marginalization of any group, nor will it be more strictly enforced against students because of racial identity, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, gender nonconformity, sexual orientation, cultural or religious identity, household income, body size/type, or body maturity.
We Value
Partnering with students to develop their own agency.
Being knowledgeable about and employing evidence-based best practices that support our students’ development.
Building and maintaining our collaborative relationships with our families and community.
We understand that students sometimes make poor choices that adversely affect themselves and/or others. School staff have the opportunity to partner with students and families to approach these events as teachable moments to help students to develop their abilities to more consistently make better choices over time.
Restorative Justice at Huerta*
Restorative Justice (RJ) is a set of principles and practices inspired by indigenous values used to build community, respond to harm/conflict and provide individual circles of support for students. By building, maintaining and restoring relationships between members of the entire school community, we help to create an environment where all students can thrive. Our program is implemented through a 3-tier, school-wide model.
Tier 1: Community Building (Prevention/Relate)
Tier 1 is characterized by the use of social emotional skills and practice (classroom circles) to build relationships, create shared values and guidelines, and promote restorative conversations following behavioral disruption. The goal is to build a caring, intentional, and equitable community with conditions conducive to learning.
Tier 2: Restorative Processes (Intervention/Repair)
Tier 2 is characterized by the use of non-punitive response to harm/conflict such as harm circles, mediation, or family-group conferencing to respond to disciplinary issues in a restorative manner. This process addresses the root causes of the harm, supports accountability for the offender, and promotes healing for the victim(s), the offender, and the school community.
Tier 3: Supported Re-Entry (Individualized/Re-Integrate)
Tier 3 is characterized by 1:1 support and successful re-entry of youth following suspension, truancy, expulsion or incarceration. The goal is to welcome youth to the school community in a manner that provides wraparound support and promotes student accountability and achievement.
*Adapted from Oakland Unified School District’s Restorative Justice Policies
Administrative Suspension
The safety of all of our students is of the utmost importance. There is good cause to suspend a student who violates any section of the California State Education Codes, 48900 or 48915. For more information about these violations, please see SCUSD Student and Family Handbook (coming soon).